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Rene Rost Middle School teacher Hannah Hebert is the 2023 AITC Teacher of the Year.

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Bryan Simon, Vermilion Parish Farm Bureau President; Nikki Hebert, Assistant Principal Rene Rost Middle School; Marc Turner, Assistant Superintendent of Personnel and Operations; Roslyn Simon, Vermilion Parish Farm Bureau Women’s Committee Chair; Tommy Byler, Superintendent; Hannah Hebert, Rene Rost Middle School Teacher-AITC Teacher of the Year; Kimberly Etie, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Leadership and Federal Programs; Dr. Sonya Louviere, Principal Rene Rost Middle School; Lynda Danos, Ag in the Classroom State Coordinator; Gwen Broussard, Vermilion Parish Farm Bureau Federation Assistant.

Hebert wins Louisiana Ag in the Classroom Teacher of the Year Award

She is a sixth grade teacher at Rene Rost Middle

Vermilion Parish Farm Bureau Federation is pleased to announce that Hannah Hebert was selected as the 2023 Louisiana Ag in the Classroom Teacher of the Year.
Hebert is a 6th grade teacher at Rene Rost Middle School in Kaplan.
The AITC mission statement is “To educate and increase understanding of agriculture and instill an appreciation for our renewable food, fiber and fuel systems. Louisiana Ag in the Classroom provides resources and training for teachers to integrate agriculture across the curriculum. We do not ask teachers to take time out of their very busy instructional day and teach a lesson on agriculture. Instead, we provide lessons designed to support core subjects by integrating agriculture into lesson plans and upholding the Louisiana Department of Education Grade-Level Expectations. “
Hebert is utilizing the resources and trainings provided by Ag in the Classroom and so much more. In addition to incorporating agriculture into her world civilization and science lesson plans Mrs. Hebert’s class cares for the school garden and hosted the First Ever Pirate School Garden Cook-off. Students and community members formed teams of four to compete using at least two items from the garden in their entrée. The cook-off was a fundraiser to help grow and maintain the school garden.
Hebert also teaches a STEAM class which is a mixture of science, technology, engineering, agriculture, and mathematics. The main focus of this class is agriculture and maintaining the garden while teaching lessons from the Seeds to Success and Ag in the Classroom curriculum. Her students wrote short stories about plants and published their very own book.
Hebert has been involved in providing agriculture in her lessons plans during her ten year teaching career at other schools in the parish.
The prize package for this award includes a trip to the National Ag in the Classroom Conference in Orlando, Florida, an iPad, a cash prize and a trip to the LFBF Annual Convention in New Orleans. For information on how to apply for the Louisiana Ag in the Classroom Teacher of the Year visit
Submitted by: Gwen Broussard, Vermilion Parish Farm Bureau Federation Assistant

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